second week student exchange in the philippines
-[] Monday 25 September 2023 (cerymony) This morning we held a Ceremony at Gymnasium, the ceremony went smoothly and the activities began with raising the Philippine flag and the NEUST flag and accompanied by the national anthem, the students performed many performances, such as dancing and singing. I think if universities in Indonesia do this kind of activity, it can increase the creativity of children. After that, we made a speech again after the officials made a speech. After we finished, we met Ma’am Maria, we talked a lot and took pictures together. After that we talked about the programme there. We talked about lesson planning with mam Rosnali and mam Nerezia. We were told the order of lesson planning and what topics we would apply later. After that we had lunch with our buddis at ayam bakar near campus with the office officers before they had their mitting. And after that we had free time, because today was family ...